Dog claiming her right to ride the bus.
Tampere is also known as the Manchester of Finland. It's the old industrial centre with big warehouses and giant chimneys. It's sat in-between two big lakes which you can swim in in summer and skate on in winter. Definitely worth a visit. A good friend of mine was playing an excellent selection of punk records at the Soho Bar and I got the chance to talk with some of the locals. I insist that talking to people in pubs is by far the best way to learn about a country and sure enough, within just a couple of pints, I had learned that bears don't attack women because they are scared of their pussies. University of life.
Obviously to get from 19 hours of daylight to just 6 is going to take some pretty drastic change and that's what's happening now. Winter is coming a bit like The Day After Tomorrow.
Ridiculous movie
OK. Well not quite, but the leaves are turning yellow.
On the plus side this means that the mushroom season is go. Watch out Ray Mears,