

Thursday, 2 July 2015

THREE WEEKS to go - Goodbyes

All being well, three weeks from now I'll be sitting in a cramped seat high above the Atlantic trying to get drunk enough to stop worrying about the pets freaking out in the hold below. Three weeks to go!

Already the lasts have begun. I had my last class at a business to the north of the city and cycled home for the last time via the old road with it's magnificent views of Santiago to the west and The Andes to the east. I marked exams for the last time today and used the bathroom on the 3rd floor with the paper towel dispenser that doesn't work for the last time. I paid the bills for the last time and sent out invoices for the last time. What was so long quotidian has just become nostalgic.

And with the lasts come the goodbye parties. On Sunday I had my first with one of the families that has adopted me here in Chile. My mum died when I was 16 and ever since I seem to have carried around a lost puppy vibe which makes people want to look after me. Here in Chile I have two families that have treated me like a son so it was a bit emotional saying goodbye to them. But, with a cocimiento* and my special Irish Whiskeys (the secret is extra whiskey) we made the best of it.

Next I have my goodbye DJ set at my local pub and then the 'danceable' goodbye party with my friends (I'm trying to think how to anglicise it. I wonder if Aga-doo would go down well). Then I'll have my goodbye picnic in the Andes. That will almost certainly be emotional.

A few people are trying to string out the goodbyes for as long as possible by accompanying me to the airport. I'm not having it. Getting to the airport is stressful enough. I don't need to be worrying about the logistics of 30 or so wallies half of whom are still on their way and half of whom need the toilet. Nope. The final few days will be just for me to say goodbye the way I want to. Snif.

*Cocimiento is a traditional dish from the south of Chile. Get a huge pot, fry up chicken, pork, sausage and some veg, fill it full of white wine, bung in a few kilos of shell fish, eat, sleep.

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