Old laptop, a kind donation by V & A
Now I just have to do my usual three weeks of indecision and reading up on computer spec. before I commit to the model I want to buy.
Mostly the garage sale was just a great excuse to get lots of friends over, gossip and drink tea and mate (South American tea).
Delicious mate, mixed with water and drunk through a straw with a filter at the end
Twice my poor San Franciscan neighbour was dragged from his flat so people could see how much we look like each other; apparently the neighbours have been confused as to who they're speaking to.
The vet came by again yesterday and gave the penultimate jabs to Dog and Cat and check they still beep when neared to the requisite machine. They do.
And today there is a strike. You can set your watch by the student strikes and consequent marches. Each semester starts quietly until about two months in when strike is suddenly called, classes are cancelled and re-cancelled until finally encroaching holiday-times force both sides into breaking bread and making peace.
Marches are usually good fun to see, half carnival followed by half-Beirut (Christ, showing my age with that reference. Hang on! -Checks Guardian front page-) or half-Burundi (nice save), and with the added bonus that the main roads are all closed to cars so today I could whizz along on my bike to the doctor's appointment to be told I need physiotherapy on my knee because I keep whizzing around on my bike.
Me, bike, whizzing
Oh, and for the last time for me, and for anyone in Chile (neo-liberal reform), I got my tax-rebate last night so I treated myself to a nice bottle of malty beer. Will this rationing never end?
Happy days.
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