

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

14 weeks and two days. Sisyphus

Sisyphus was a naughty boy. His punishment was to push a boulder to the top of a hill from where it would roll back down and he would have to begin again.

That's not really an accurate image of my life at the moment. His was the ultimate thankless task (unless he was training for the worlds strongest man-he'd kill in both the stone lifting and plane pulling). I'm faced with more of an ever increasing list of things to do. A bit like the scence in Game of Thrones (topical reference-well done) where Daenerys the naked dragon woman is in the palace wearily listening to her new subjects and their tales of tragedy and woe and discovers that there are still another 200 or so queuing up outside.

Still, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. My mind races through the things I have to do, connecting them like some weird stream of conciouness. Today I have to put a ID chip in Cat and Dog which made me think of the chip in the movie Pi...

...which had an ant on it which reminds me I must do something about the ants that are living in my bathroom which reminds me that the cleaner is coming today and I must buy her some of the pastries she likes. Endless lists. Tick something off and write on three more things to do. A bit like Sisyphus really.

Still. I do have a nice new song to listen to. 

You meet a girl,
She moves soft eyes and pulls you in the game.
Perhaps you do not wonder her reasons or her name.
You'll follow her on out the room,
How sweet her body flows,
Say take it easy,
make it lazy,
That's the way to go.

Do believe it's easy, Do believe it's easy,
Do believe it's easy don't even have to try.

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