

Sunday, 29 March 2015

23rd of July. D - Day

So. Based on the fact that the winter holidays begin on the 13th of July and I'll probably need two weeks to tie up loose ends, settle debts, do some housework, chase up some cheques etc., I've chosen the 23rd of July as the magic day. My thinking is, it's a Thursday so if I need to do any last minute things then relevant offices will still be working before the normal go-slow-leave-early Friday.

This week I've spent most of my free time achieving nothing (regression to the mean?) but it´s not been for want of trying. The problem was (and always will be) that if your flight needs two airlines it's basically impossible to reserve space for animals on the plane. I had a lovely flight with IBERIA all ready but they couldn't reserve space for cat and dog on the Madrid to Helsinki bit. After all attempts to call Finnair from here failed, girlf. called them and was told that it's impossible to book space because the flight was booked with IBERIA. Ha! Blessed be Yossarian.

So I gave up and put my faith in the capitalist market to resolve my situation. Out into the metaphorical street I now wander with fists full of dollars shouting, "Travel agents, Romans, Countrymen (but mostly travel agents), my kingdom for a solution."

I've sent off a couple of emails. Let's see what happens. 

And that's about it. Oh. Also the north is flooded, the south is burning, some friends got married and Icarus fell into the sea (I am soo bloody cultured). 

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